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Portland Design Festival 2022

Posted on:October 6, 2022 at 04:00 AM

In October 2022, I organized an exhibition centered around the concept of the “designer’s share of the problem,” inspired by Victor Papanek’s renowned work of the same name. Delving into the realm of digital interactions that permeate our daily existence, my aim was to spark a dialogue on how designers can reenvision their role and the responsibilities they bear towards the community in our modern world.

The event took the form of a gathering, blending elements of a mixer and a discussion forum. It brought together individuals passionate about interaction, graphic & user experience, and service design, all eager to delve into the profound impact this discipline has had on contemporary life while pondering the possibilities that lie ahead. Participants engaged with thought-provoking prompts on whiteboards, and we subsequently delved into a collective conversation, enriched by the diverse perspectives of attendees from various backgrounds.

I am grateful for the support of the Collaborative Design & Design Systems program at Pacific Northwest College of Art at Willamette University, who co-sponsored the event as part of AIGA Portland’s inaugural Portland Design Festival.